Experience Timeline

Work experience is the perfect way to impress potential employers. Because when I apply for a job, if I have no clue about what I have to do, I’d only be a joke to my superiors. But when I have experience in what I have to do i can be reliable in the work I do. (Ltd, 2019)

I am still a first year student here at Deakin University. So I don’t have a clear vision about what companies I want to work in. But I have prepared my timeline by inputting all the necessary tasks that I think, as crucial to complete before I enter the industry as a graduate.

The Experience Timeline is mentioned below.

Experience Timeline

References – Ltd, A. (2019). Why is Work Experience Important? | AllAboutCareers. [online] Allaboutcareers.com. Available at: https://www.allaboutcareers.com/careers-advice/work-experience/why-is-work-experience-important [Accessed 30 Mar. 2019].